In the same way that unlocking the World of Olympus requires that you obtain specific Creatures, you will unlock the mighty few who dwell there by having a specific group of Creatures for each as follows:
Heroes of Olympus
This is a rather curious 'bonus' world that requires three separate steps. First, the World itself must be unlocked in the same fashion that you unlock Hades and the Water Kingdom by having a specific total of Creatures. After that, you need to have the specific Creatures required to unlock a Hero but there is no point in doing this if you do not purchase the Habitat for that Hero first. All Olympus Habitats cost 25,000,000 Coins. When the Habitat has been completed, you can unlock the Creature for whom you have met all requirements and place him or her in the designated Habitat.
Each of the Heroes has his/her own Habitat, and each costs 25,000,000 Coins.
Unlocked with Centaur, Trojan Horse, Pegasus, Scylla and Gargoyle
Unlocked with Cerberus, Lykoanguis, Daedalus Bull, Crayhorse and Hydra
Unlocked with Crayopus, Leviathan, Phoenix, Kobalupus and Gorgon
Unlocked with Minotaur, Kraken, Cyclops, Fairy Dragon and Dolphcray
Unlocked with Grimreaper, Hippoctopus, Griffon, Empousa and Pegazubra
Unlocked with Lake Lady, Artemis, Menoetius, Charon and Atlantean Warrior
Unlocked with Centaur, Trojan Horse, Pegasus, Scylla and Gargoyle
Unlocked with Centaur, Tigerlope, Horned Lion, Peacock and Pancampus
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